We are proud to announce that we have successfully completed “eShraaq Program Phase III” for eCommerce and eMarketing Strategies, which is an entrepreneur’s development program that aims to develop Jordanian women micro and small enterprises by focusing on management, marketing, and entrepreneurs’ tools through an integrated framework of specialized training, guidance, solutions, and follow-up in the fields of eCommerce and eMarketing.

eShraaq Program throughout all phases I, II & III funded by USAID LENS, Phase III of the program has targeted women entrepreneurs in Jordan who have serious desire and capability to grow their own business in the sectors of trade, industry, agriculture, handicraft, education, and home production. The program was implemented in four governorates (Amman “Na’our”, Irbid, Karak, and Zarqa), where 90 women business owners were trained. They have been provided by specialized and intensive training, tools, and services to enhance their skills in eCommerce and eMarketing in order to promote their businesses nationally and regionally and to increase their business revenue.

eShraaq is an Entrepreneurs Development Program, owned and operated by Jordan Marketing Information Zone (JoMIZ). The program phase III launched in 2018 aiming to help MSEs in Jordan to reach sustainability using e-commerce and e-marketing and to support and develop Jordanian women’s small and medium enterprises. The program focuses on the importance of using social media platforms and digital technology to serve the public interest., also it assures that every member has the ability and sense of responsibility to be a leader and contributes with his own views and ideas to stimulate her project and achieve its goal.

According to signing the contract between Jordan Marketing Information Zone (JoMIZ) and Local Enterprise Support Project (USAID LENS), “Mr. Ahmad Farah” the Executive Director of (JoMIZ) expressed that public sessions were held where he explained the structure of the project and answered all the consultations around it. The program uses live interaction on events, workshops, training, kits, tools, and free online resources to educate MSEs about the latest technologies they could use to market their products and services and sell them Moreover, the project leaders were contacted directly and the services provided to them have been completed.

The program was successful in enhancing the capabilities and skills of the ladies in the fields of marketing, branding, and online advertising, also it has provided them with the tools and solutions required to let them overcome challenges and reach sustainability. Accordingly, the contribution of small and medium individual businesses in the Jordanian local economy has increased and the entrepreneurs can rely on their businesses as main sources of income.

Therefore, they were closely advised and followed up on every single project, ensuring that they had all the skills they needed to pursue their work.